uk legislation pornography

UK: New legislation about online pornography will be implemented in July

On 15 July 2019, UK will be the first country to implement measures about age verification for online pornography in order to ensure the protection of minors and user’s data. This means that websites with pornographic content must create effective…

social media minors

UK data watchdog: limits on social media for minors

UK data watchdog set restrictions on social media and their use of people who are under 18 years old in order to prevent minors. Specifically, the UK wants to make social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat more responsible…

underage vaping

Underage vaping: Juul must respond to the Senate letter until April 25

Democratic U.S. senators made a survey about the famous vaping company Juul in San Francisco in order to limit the growing sale of vaping products to minors. The lawmakers sent a letter to the company to answer some of their…

sell alcoholic products

Northland Police: 3 of 31 stores sell alcoholic products

After a survey conducted by Northland police and health officials, it was found that 3 of 31 stores, sold alcohol to minors. Specifically, Northland District Health Board and Police staff conducted last week two Controlled Purchase Operations (CPOs) at licensed…

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