age proof porn

Age Proof in porn sites from April in UK

From April, 2019 porn sites in U.K will require age proves for viewing the content. Specifically, sites will be less anonymous and more difficult for users who need to prove their true age.

Lottery ticket sales to minors are forbidden in New York

The lottery is a game that is meant to be played only by adults and shops must prohibit the selling of scratch-off tickets to minors. The campaign ‘’Lottery Tickets are Not Child’s Play’’ is held for the fifth successive year…

new laws uk

New laws in UK about porn websites and the impact on social media

A new legislation, about porn websites, is to be implemented in UK in order to verify the age of those who want to see this content. After the announcement of this law, some websites with pornographic content decided to close…

facial recognition system

A new facial recognition system about video games in China

One of the most well-known video game publishers in China, Tencent, implemented a new software using facial recognition in order to verify the age of the players and protect those, who are under 18 years old. According to this new…

vaping sales California

FDA: reduction of vaping products sales to minors in California

The increased amount of online e-cigarettes sales has driven, Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer, on October 31, to fill a complaint in California state court and blame California-based e-cigarette Company for selling vaping products to minors. Investigators discovered that…

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