
Age restrictions on WhatsApp

age restrictions WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a widespread application, which is used for communicating with friends and family. Nowadays, the largest proportion of adults and kids, who own a smartphone, have downloaded this application.

In recent years, specifically, WhatsApp has many users, who are under 18, since the smartphone usage has risen sharply in these ages. However, in countries in the European Economic Area, including European Union or other countries included in the collection of countries in the European Region, there is an age restriction on users.

Based on the relevant regulations, users must be at least 16 years old in order to register in the application. However, in certain countries like India, users must be at least 13 years old.

But in the case where someone creates an account with false information, then it would be considered as a violation of WhatsApp Terms and Conditions. There is also a service which allows adults to report whether their child is using the application through wrong means. Specifically, parents can show in their children how to delete their WhatsApp account or on the contrary, they could send an email to WhatsApp, including details such as proof of ownership of the WhatsApp number, proof of parental authority and the real child’s date of birth. Then, WhatsApp will disable the account but only if all the above items have been sent.

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